profile This is my blog, my memories and my laughter!! I am Minxue and I am just pretty much me! I am a Hospitality and Tourism Student, a Soka Gakkai member, a daughter and certainly a friend. I wish to travel around the world someday! Most importantly,enjoy what is there to enjoy and suffer what is there to suffer. Live each day to the fullest. This is my entity of life! This is what I strive to achieve =D rantings archives November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 affiliates adelina aloysius amy angela lim angela woo benji brenda cheryl clara clinton crystal denise hisham huimin jason jerry jesselyn jialin jiayi jiayu jieying jocelyn kaixian karen kimberly lynette madeline olivia puen ruhui samantha sheila shirui suzanne tessa TPSD weirong xingyi xinzi yeesin zakiah zijing
credits skin by: Jane |
Sunday, July 30, 2006 @ 9:29 AM
ESPLANADE ok I woke up and realise I was late for tuition as usual.. tuition.. then went to eat with tiffany.. at MAC.. then went thome.. slack arnd.. and realise my hp no BATT.. so I went round looking for the charger.. and guess what it disappeared.. GREAT.. I LEFT IN SCHOOL.... ( most prob).. sigh so off my phone to conserve batt.. and then went out for the concert.. spend some time yesterday looking at stuff.. and kinda got the clothing that I want.. but without really having the proper shoes.. so yesh.. here came this like the most amusing TRAIN RIDE EVER.. apparently.. performer.. TEH SAI CHIN.. told clara and JY.. yesh.. I WILL BE LATE when i meet them.. so JY and clara told me to meet them at 5.. whereby they themselves agreed to meet @ 5.30.. and guess what . the miracle me was not late.. so I was abt to reach city hall.. I buzz them and they told me they were at home.. ARGH.. furious.. so I just alighted.. and waited for some time.. then took a train to city hall to meet them and suprisingly we all reach at the same time.. haha.. and woah when we reach there.. u turn anywhere u seems to be able to see AHS ppl.. and jiayu once again looks like a teacher.. and she wears SCROLL AH MA SHOES.. yesh..SCROLL it was causing her toe to like blister.... and she hv to like walk sooper slow.. so we went high and low searching for that one pair of flat shoe slipper sandal whatever to fit her.. and in the end we ended up at marina square charles and keith where she bot her slippers I think and clara also bot heels.. and in the end it was clara turn to get blisters cos it was too tight.. she is going to do some stretching exercise with her heels.. lmao.. and i saw the tote bag that I kinda want.. and sigh.. did not really get a chance to try and see.. cos we were busy looking for their footwear.. and when I got a chance to try it on the shopkeeper came up and practically snatch it away from me and ask me to go inside and try.. nvm.. I just ran off.. she looks fierce.. so after finding shoes..we went esplande.. woah ho.. fully packed.. ppl wearing diff outfits and stuff.. yeah.. FASHION SHOW.. haha.. then see some of the teachers with their spouses boyfriends girlfriends.. sons daughter alumni members... PACKED MAN.. so I was sitting 5 rows from the front.. and wah kao.. I got the full blast of the SOPRANO.. hello SOPRANO.. esp the 2nd one.. I was practically clutching onto clara.. it was so high.. at one pt.. I tot my glasses crack.. hv to feel.. is like OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. and it was like sooper FARNI.. yeah the soprano rocks.. haha.. and some of the musical grps looks so BRIGHT.. GUITAR hot pink.. haha.. so PINK.. HO were kinda cool.. their harmonicas can some how like flip flop smthg like that.. not sure..CO.. at one pt.. their pink look like yellow.. and CB.. yesh.. their phantom of the opera was really really nice.. ppl like me hu dunno hw to appreciate classical music still say it is nice.. yeah.. and choir.. yesh.. they were like POWER.. last song totally rocks.. lmao.. so after ESPLANADE.. went to grab some coffee.. with clara then went home.. yea.. today kinda rocls.. when is the nxt time u get to go esplande again and see ur own skool perform.. I think it is nvr.. so yeah. it was COOl and stuff.. quite worth.. since it is my last year after all..=) Friday, July 28, 2006 @ 8:26 AM
.. wah.. I dunno why.. the last few days I very ZI HIGH.. be it in class or what.. haha..starting from wed.. was SEL first.. needa do the NE quiz and if u fail u cannot graduate out of sec 4.. haha.. greatest joke on earth man.. some national builder where u build monuments in sg.. and move on to eras after eras.. and in order to build and move on u needa earn money which is earn from answering questions. and in the end I became an expert builder.. haha.. think i play too much SIMS over the hols already..the council investiture.. I still think last yr was more entertaining.. I laughed like siao last yr I rmb.. this yr I also laughed like siao.. cos in front of me got a retard called hui ying hu keep entertaining me..lmao.. then after that went to east point to service my phone with jiahui.. EASTPOINT grew.. honestly.. it looks like they place some extension or something.. haha It looks nicer.. as compared to the last time I saw it during november during the mini hike.. and yesh.. both of us were total retards wondering around sony ericsson inside east point trying to find the service machine for ur cue number.. and we sat in there for a while b4 we realise it was behind us lmao.. then at the counter.. I was a total retard again.. so ma lu. the lady hv to teach me how to use my phone which i got for 3 months.. cos of some functions I claim it is not working but it is actually working.. okay DUMB.. and I spend an awful long time transffering my contacts into my SIM card... went home on wed.. and I slept a 3am.. trying to finish my idiot yan jiang gao.. dun like our sunli.. she keeps giving..but duh for our own good.. nevertheless.. makes me feel sick..EWW.. imagine like writing 3 pages of chinese words everytime.. YUCK.. and it is strokes.. lmao.. THURSDAY.. the school gave the declaration on religious harmony card holder.. and my class boys became like gamblers over night.. they treat the holders like cards and start flicking it like flicking cards u see in gambling shows.. haha.. and duh we learn the art of flicking and we got addicted.. damm cool.. u see like red stuff flying everyday.. and it can hit u anytime.. haha..and while I was learning how to flick.. sony ericsoon called me to tell me my phone is ready.. lmao.. so I went back with jiahui to take my phone.. and we went to pet safari this time round.. and honestly the place like minimise now.. and we took pics of hamsters and the shopkeeper scolded us and call us delete.. bt hu will be dumb enuf to delete it rite.. duh.. and all the doggies there.. and they were really cute.. haha.. we saw these 2 labrador pups.. 1 male 1 female.. and they were like dunno doing what. biting each other.. and stuff... one was like bitting the tail.. and jiahui went." U NAUGHTY DOGGIE" and stuff.. dun like U.. haha.. POH MAMA U r DARN IT CUTE FARNI.. haha.. yeah.I love to go out with u.. nxt wed my turn to pei ta go service her phone.. lmao.. TODAY.. more flicking of red holder.. lesson was a total bore...SSS.. sigh.. dun talk bout it. and my first aerobics was postponed to nxt weel.esplanade is on sunday.. and seems that everybody is like facing a clothing crisis.. nobody knows what to wear.. haha.. including me.. lmao.. jiayu dun fussed up.. we will find something to wear.. haha.. Tuesday, July 25, 2006 @ 4:22 AM
oh wells the last few days hv been a cracker.. HWK.. blarh.. i think I owe the teacher loads of stuff.. and like today chem test totally sucked.. but I still feel okay bout it.. guess it is called numbness towards difficulty.. so I just went zi high after the test.. oh wells.. my beloved mdm sim ask us a question in class today: HOW DO U ALL DESTRESS.. everybody must reply.. like cheryl was EAT.. suz was SLEEP.. brenda was SPORTS.. also got read bible.. and blarh.. but I realise mine is just kinda farni.. my way of destress.. LAUGH.. which actually works.. for me.. then mdm sim reply was NOW I KNOW WHY U ALWAYS LAUGH... hahahaha.. so yeah.. to destress after chem test.. go zi high cos it also kinda equal to laughing as when u zi high u laugh.. lmao.. and thanks to the NE quiz.. i skipped tuition.. cos of mr yeow wrong info say that the quiz is one hr.. thanks la mister.. it took less than 10 mins.. and the quiz is DUMB.. I hv loads of strongly disagree or strongly agree... so in total.. I miss 2 weeks of tuition straight.. one cos of grandma.. the other cos of QUIZ.. I also like miss PE 3 times in a row.. first was the swap of time table.. 2nd was chai did not come.. 3rd was I PON.. cos too tired..cos of grandma and tmr is NAPFA.. so judging frm 3 whole week without exercise.. I swore I could fail tmr.. I fear shuttle run standing broad jump and pull up the most.. EWWW!!! I love sit and reach.. 2.4 bah.. haha.. sit up is neutral.. and yesh I got fatter.. so needa exercise..kinda jio by my cousin and mum to join aerobics.. and I like agreed.. GOSH.. what in the hell did I agree to join aerobics.. AHHHH.. every friday can.. and my mum say I die die must go.. cos I lose weight and at the same time I can concentrate for studies.. GOSH GOSH !!.. I still can rmb the aerobics the school organise for us that time.. and all those punches and hopping around.. AHHHH!!.. it is like damm tired.. gee.. I m so not looking to friday now.. Saturday, July 22, 2006 @ 11:45 PM
saturday yesterday.. school founders day.. overslept and tot I will be late.. reach there.. was not late.. and those classrooms were locked.. ARGH.. so went in sing song.. watch concert.. the STOMP was good.. but so bias.. unifor groups must all do like that drill thing.. then the sports get to qiao like qiao qu.. shld be vice versa.. qie cuo qie cuo abit mah.. at night went out with pokey toots gang.. did not go for pri skool gathering..was supposed to pei my mother go somewhere end up she not going so I went out with them to eat.. we ate fish and co. and like share share.. all the seafood.. my first time there ( GEEZ) then go arcade.. my heart flew out.. all sabo me.. then went sunday.. also my grandma 7th day snce she die.. rumored that the spirit will come back.. but she did not.. so yeah.. she really left.. lmao,, so went to mandai there to pray since it is the 7th day.. when we reach there... haha kinda like clash with the lim kan san thing.. as in we saw alot of police guards.. lots of wreath.. but duh we cannot go in rite.. cos we are not his immediate family or friends.. lmao.. then we were like wondering about the area..then happen to saw the same undertaker that help took care of my grandma wake.. and apparently he was also taking care of another family hu happen to be chanting too.. so yeah.. we just went in and like help them chant.. and I was wearing a pink blouse which wasn't an appopriate attire.. oh wells.. at that present moment when i enter the hall again.. I felt that like time travel.. back to the previous day where the coffin was my grandma's one.. lmao. the reach hm.. tmr is lit test.. and yet I did not receive the 2 unseen poems that my classmates receive cos I did not go skool and my friend did not collect for me.. GREAT.. tmr confirm fail liao... okay maybe not.. sometimes crapping gives u loads of marks.. lmao.. prelims is 40 plus days away.. whateverr... Friday, July 21, 2006 @ 6:45 AM
my last 5 days have been like a roller coaster ride of different emotions I guess.. I hv to face the blow of my grandma's sudden death happen around 50 plus days b4 my prelims and just as when I was about to go intensive studying.. it was only 7 days ago I rmb after SSS.. I went down to the hospital to help massage her back bone and legs.. and today what I held in my hand at mandai was her remains.. her bones and ashes after the cremation..sunday night.. I was told that she was critical.. and all of us choing down to see her last moment alive... and yes all of us was crying.. I was forced to retun home.. despite my desperate appeals to stay and pon tank school.. so last words I whispered to my grandma.. " I am going home".. nthg else except this.. I walk out of the hospital ward and I know deep down that the next time I see my grandma again she will most probably be already gone.. the whole night I cannot slp.. literally and turning.. I woke up at 5 plus.. not my usual timing..and the freaky thing was the phone immediately rang.. my grandma pass away.. so yeah... I did my CT.. literally wetting the whole paper.. school dismissed early... canceled my movie POTC date with my friends.. went home.... at night the wake was like members friend.. all came down to pay respects and chant for my grandma..too.. over the next few days..wasvery tiring.. morn school.. night is like running around clearing area tables talking to friends hu came dwn. on tuesday had chinese test.. and after reading the passage I just feel asleep without even realising was POMP and I was asleep.. but only for a few min b4 suz woke me up.... jiayu jiahui addy and tessa came dwn on that day.. thanks ppl... wednesday.. I was late in the morning not enuf sleep.. is purposely also.. cos I wanna pon PE.. I scared i faint and I need sleep.. so yeah my e zlink card got confiscated.. and hv to go collect it back from CCP.. and explain and stuff.. and CCP.. agreed not to pump me on compassionate terms.. I was like ....... but on that night itself some of the ICs came down and talk to us also got quite alot of the FLINT gang came down too and help my grandma chant.. was talking to them and stuff.. it was really nice. thursday.. yuan zi and ying qi..also came down.. they brought like flowers or smthg.. really sweet..was talkin them too.. and yes.. I think like they both are sooper nice ppl.. with loads of wisdom.. all of them are nice la.. FLINT.. all nice encouragers.. thanks fellas. and thursday.. PON SCHOOL.. dun ask me WHY.. it was also the last night.. yet I missed the whole memorial service.. due to some errand I need to run as insisted by my dad.. and the wastage of travelling time and eating time.. I wanted not to sleep so badly yesterday..but due to the fact that i might be the only kid left in wake.. I decided to go home.. xinzi still play a prank on me on thursday... I was like.. ARGH.. she went to change my contact list.. names.. like how angela can become poot poot. yiern become batman.. which is not supposed to be her nickname.. how my cousin cheryl yeo can become little red riding hood..and she is so not little and red.. qi qin became ah kao..sound so beng.. tessa become paul. sound so biblical...still got lee kuan yew.. and she go change her own contact to AJ maam.. with a big pupose to scare me.. and currently.. there is still a lee and johnny in my phone which I dunno hu issit.. so I took revenge and change the contacts in her phone.. baba lim became si ling ma'am.. miss hafizah became sensei.. so yeah sleep.. this morning was really like the worse day of all.. I cried and cried and cried.... esp when we offer our last prayers and stuff.. and they sealed the coffin up.. the worse of all gotta be the burning hall.. we went there and the coffin was like slowly being pushed into the furnance.. I totaly seh already.. no more seeing her again.. what I left of is photographs..and sweet memories.. of how she cared for each and everyone of us be it dinner or lunch.. I rmb when I was young she will always be asking us did we eat enuf and stuff.. she will choose to eat the fish head with alot of bones and leave the rest of the fish to us.. and how some of us at times just pan seh her for dinner by just calling in last minute say we not eating.. we going out with friends to eat.. and she hv to keep the food as leftovers to eat the next day.. the more I think about it the more feel sad.. I feel.. I guess I use to take things for granted.. it is very bu she de even until now.. but then again buddhism teach us" Life is eternal.. it does not have a beginning it does not hv an end.. it keep going on and on and on without stopping.. death is like sleeping after a hard day or work.. based on the writing a piece or mirror by daisaku ikeda.. perhaps the next time I see my grandma again.. I might even know that my name is call guo minxue.. so I was looking at her ashes and bones today after cremation.. and yes it was beautiful.. all those nice stuff I dunno what is tat sprouting out.. but it is nice jiu shi le as claim by the undertaker.. so yeah we place the urn at my grandpa there.. 2 urns combine.. into one place.. 8 years.. I haven see my grandpa.. and today i saw his remains again.. 8 years ago.. I did not go collect his ashes.. now that the whole thing is over.. I guess I just have to move forward.. no point looking back.,, it is already over..she will not come back.. my grandma wish was always to see us go TJC..since we live opposite it.. she was always like " u all must study hard then next time can go over there and study liao mah" last time we all like dun care but suddenly this thing like just knock me up.. I dun give a damm how lousy the school looks.. I think this school will be my ultimate target for this year Os bah.. and personally I want to go there as it is supposedly a homely school.. and I think their activites look fun.. this is perhaps the last thing I can do for her.. 50 days to prelims..( if I m not wrong ) GO GO GO Sunday, July 16, 2006 @ 10:41 PM
I dun feel really good now.. THIS is very shocking for me... time heals wounds.. I need time of my own =( Friday, July 14, 2006 @ 9:13 AM
friday.. last day of school.. but dun really like it.. cos there is double science and SSS.. but after going for my first session today.. I came up with a conclusion.. SSS is super slack study... my invigilator rocks man... mr chan say he dun care what we do there just as long as we turn up.. haha. but duh we all went there and do our work.. was like trying to finish my zuo wen desperately..we went inside.. then was like trying to find a place under the FAN cos it was sooper hot.. but cannot find end up sit near the window.. then starting was like no mood to do anything.. so look under the table see got anything interesting.. mine was completely empty.. ying 2 however found some art sketch bk.. it belongs to this fella call larry lim.. haha.. so was looking at his art work.... then suddenly rmb like it was almost the art work I use to did back then.. haha.. then behind got his own sketch i think.. and i was so bored that I took it and like draw some human with a guitar.. OOPS=x .. and ying2 based on his name picture him as a strong boy.. indirectly over the acceptable weight limit.. OOPS=x.. kk.. dun comment so much since my zuo wen was about blogger and I literally crap everything out on blogger should be prevent ppl from commenting too much and wherby nw I am actually blogging.. how contradicting. I mean hallo.. I hate to write 4 pgs of words everytime.. ARGH..maybe I think too much cos I seriously took a sooper long time to write finish.. in between SSS oso got 20 min break so I ki siao throw water dwn since there is station games near grotto.. it was that cao mei hu started first.. probe me to join the FUN..lmao.. after SSS..AHHHH..practically the most embarrassing moment of my LIFE.. argh.. a trip to the canteen to get FOOD.. blarh.. saw the whole coy hu started to HALLO MINXUE.. then ARGH.. too embarrasing to say.. in either case I jiu shi bei some of the scouts luff at in fact only 2 as far as I can rmb.. argh those fugly idiots.. ( referring to the scouts).. =x show some courtesy.. went to the hospital after this.. after all only friday am I free enuf to make a trip dwn.. grandmother always sleeping and she literally look like a BIG BABY.. hv to constantly massage for her.. if not she will complain.. thank goodness. her condition do show some signs of improvement I think.. just hope that it will continue improving.. oh wells.. GET WELL SOON..I was out for 16 hours today.. GEEZ.. Wednesday, July 12, 2006 @ 7:59 AM
today was such a rainy morning.. I was like half frozen in my bed and duh I dun wanna wake up.. lai chuang until 6.50 then go brush up.. OOPs =x.. school.. blah blah blah.. PE.. cos it was raining everybody was stuck in that awful lee kuo chuan stadium and thanks goodness our PE teachers were not around.. so we got a free period and all I see a whole mass of greens and whites running in circles.. wah kao.. damm DIZZY.. go play table tennis.. erm it is a VIOLENT GAME.. the ball fly everywhere.... lessons blarh.. I dwn for SSS.. CONFIRM.. sniff.. every friday afternoon 2A classroom will be my 2nd home liaos.. haix.. monday heng ah.. got english enrichment can dun go SSS.. haha.. then the racial harmony thing.. sooper lame.. jiayu spend like 5 min revising 5 stones with me.. I forget everyting liaos.. KAO!!.. but in the end I still forget everything..lmao..after school.. blarh tutorial then makan lunch then go home.. bought the newpaper.. and I read a sooper interesting article.. I seriously laughed my head off after reading it.. this is mostly due to my over imaginative mind 12/7/06 PG 6 NEWPAPER HEADLINE: GIRLS CAN JOIN SCOUTS AS CCA ( MOE allows scouts to recruit girls in primary and secondary schools frm next year) so starting was all the blarh intro of girls in scouts and stuff which is only currently available if we take it outside school and stuff.. and how the chief comissioner of SCOUTS is quite please about it as he was the fella hu proposed it in the first place..whateverr then come ppl reactions on these ideas... some like it..some dun like.. in which the dun like part was the farni part.. here goes: Girl Guides Singapore Chief commissioner Yvonne Lim said that the decision was regrettable as Lord Baden Powell who founded both scouts and guides has started a seperate programme for girls as there are fundamental differences between boys and girls.. ( I mean it is like duh!! GIRLS is GIRLS BOYS is BOYS.. common sense ) then she said that the guides would remain a single sex organisation...( HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) this is hilarious in my point of view la.. maybe too much brain juice.. I mean like hallo duh hv to stick as a single sex organisation la.. nan dao hv boy guide ah.. kao la.. so farni.. picture a guy in our blue uniform.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. tying the reef knot on the scarf HAHAHAHAHA.. wearing our fisherman hat.. HAHAHAHAHAHA so GAY.... so our school falcon scouts beta watch out.. they might hv intake of girls in for next year HAHAHAHAHA.. then brother scouts and sister guides.. in AHS would not exist liao.. AWW!! and today is that XINZI b day.. sadly our sing along at the GATE failed terribly.. cos of the RAIN and JAM on the road.. but family side got help her cut cake tonight.. coffee cake .. ![]() not bad taste quite nice.. and that 15 year old supposedy a year older and more mature totally shi tai in front of me... so my BIRTHDAY PRESENT to ya.. XINZI no 1 CANDID.. in addition to that tea stirrer..haha.. sry for doing that.. but ur b day shld be significant since so many things happen.. oh wells.. the moment she start to eat her cake.. she kinda just smash it directly into the mouth and she was like trying to suck it up and she behave as if she did not eat for like a week or smthg sooper hungry the evidence ![]() look @ the cream all over her mouth.. haha=p I hv the absolute confidence u will come back home again.. jiayous and gambatte Monday, July 10, 2006 @ 7:11 AM
ok... I am just sooper tired.. cos I watch the match.. like duh.. everybody watch.. so this morning I went into class..hmmm.. practically quite empty..but duh slowly fill up.. about 6 ppl did not come today.. could see some ppl their eyes like wanna close liao.. haha..and as i was sooper tired..during the start of the day I walk sooper slowly . I just like trod up the stairs looking like some old woman carrying a school bag,, then behind me was my beloved mdm sim.. I did not realise that.. so yeah. she and her xiang long 18 palms.. she push me all the way up.. picture this.. she just push my BAG like that all the way up the flight of stairs.. scared the daylights out of me duh.. and yesh italy won.. good for them.. I dun really like france.. all a bunch of divers.. they should go to oceans and dive not the football field..lmao.. and zidane is a totally RETARD.. I repeat it.. total RETARD.. it will be more exciting la if he was to take the penalty.. anyway.. farewell msg to ya.. BYE BYE.. I will not SEE U PLAY ANYMRE>>> cos u r officially retiring..mum went to the hospital to look after my grandma for the night.. hv to wake up myself again.. haha.. if it rains tonight probability of me oversleeping is 9/10.. and GREAT I am stuck with my dad for the whole night.. my mum just left and he comes over and jiang wo again.. say what the fridge alot of cakes.. ask me not to eat the bread my mum buy for tmr.. I did not even realise there are like cakes in my fridge.. then he come and say what I waste money.. if things go too far.. my pocket money will be cut.. oh helllo.. issit my fault that I am eating breakfast tmr.. and I did not buy is mother.. sigh.. I am just a innocent bystander as usual.. GEEZ.. somebody help me.. thank goodness it is only for one night.. Sunday, July 09, 2006 @ 7:50 AM
hmms.. not really good today.. I missed tuition firstly.. whateverr.. like my 2nd time.. due to my phone failing to wake me up.. grandmother condition not that good either..emergency case it will be in ICU..which makes all of us quite worried.. in fact is sooper worried... the worse thing is I did something really wrong..I pan seh my prayers halfway.. in a sense I was supposed to carry on but I just did not have that endurance and strength to carry on.. I felt very bad..cos I feel like I fail my role of being a student leader in gakkai .. oh wells.. at least my grandma condition is stable for the time being.. from tmr onwards.. at least chant an hour for her everyday .. this is a must.. I really want to see her stand up and cook for us again... I miss her cooking.. =( Friday, July 07, 2006 @ 7:28 AM
today school was supposed to end at 12.. and after that I was supposed to go out.. and that darn ass ENGLISH TEST for that supplementary lesson spoiled my plans.. was supposed to go bugis with teh sia chin and see my exhibition and get my stuff.. in the end went to TM with her instead.. and met up with suz and addy.. we took neos..the machine was lagged.. and cos it was only 4 ppl, we took our own sweet time..haha.. then went to get my slippers cos it broke..sadly no size.. suay.. so went to converse to buy my shoe..tried the double tongue and I seriously look like some pai kia so I dun really like it then left the germany one which I wannt buy and it was 20 % off can...sadly also no size.. suay.. so after that went to my PEACE exhibition @ bugis alone .. it was really heartwarming I guess.. and a bit sad.. looking at all these poor kids.. and how some courageous ppl actually stand up for a peace movement.. even ppl around my AGE.. shld really go down.. outside NLB only... starting maybe like words after words.. but the longer u read the longer U will feel for smthg like becoming a peacemaker..haha.. I left a PEACE msg.. lmao.. then went to my 2 converse stalls in bugis to see if hv the shoe and all dun hv my size.. suay again!! then went to hospital see my ah ma again.. see her like so weak also quite sad la.. but apparently she is getting better... yeah that is the GOOD NEWS.. haha.. went there and watch my green forest.. damm farni.. I lurve the show.. and it is only 15 episodes.. shit.. but the setting is damm nice.. I lurve their school la.. and the OST is the best..thank you jiahui mama.. she send me 2 of the songs in the OST.. can u imagine.. the sophie girl inside is only 17..turning 18.. 2 years older and she look like some 22 to 23 actress.. geez.. anyway help me grandma massage her leg.. then went home with mum and aunties.. I dun really like hospitals they give me the creeps.. and thanks also for sending me HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL.. equally nice should go watch.. haha.. =p Wednesday, July 05, 2006 @ 7:45 AM
I seriously think that the dai gou between me and the older generation is like really a lot.. is like 2 generation almost 3.. they do not understand our thinking.. and think that we are a bunch of ah lians.. when we doodle our books.. = we are ah lians.. we go to TM to eat = we are pai kia.. a typical day for us..should b go school.. then go home eat lunch at home.. study.. eat dinner.. then study.. then sleep.. then repeat this for the next day.. whateverr.and I was only a innocent bystander.. and yet I was scolded for just trying to help defend a helpless cousin hu went to TM to eat while having the permission.. she was just late when reaching home.. I only try to lighten the situation by making a harmless joke and there goes my scolding.SHUT UP directly in the face and WHY I NEVER PLAN TIMETABLE... to study.. it is JULY.. not enuf time and stuff.. start all the comparison and shit.. even my seating posture.. I was slouching as I was just sianed and all the NO MANNERS.. and my time wasting watching TV.. is it a mistake to watch my fav show from 7 to 8 where I was in school from 7 plus until 2.45 and had tuition from 3.15 to 5.45 and reach home only around 6 plus all shagged and tired...hallo the current society is different.. from back then.. I seriously want to show u the respect.. but ur actions make me doubt whether do U even consider for other ppl feelings.. whatever we mention to defend ourselves is all meaningless.. for whatever U said is always the TRUTH.. we are liars..and Ur comments on my prayers say whatever I chant for is of no use... to think ur a chapter leader and yet have such a mentality.. I know I am no big figure.. but I will do my best to play a part in everything.. and oh yah not forgetting getting said that I might not even reach poly.. quite detailed huh.. cos whateverr u said only make me feel more demoralised and rejected like all my efforts is going down to the drain.. and apparently the school has a wonderful COMMUNICATION PORTAL.. friday release at 12 became BIG NEWS.. even to parents.. so yeah.. friday most likely is no lunch straight home after school.. I tot maybe I could go out for a while.. I want to go to NLB and see my peace exhibition.. but hu is willing to let me go.. I am a O level kid I am suppose to stay at home and study.. but has anyone forgotten that I am a human being with feelings too.. I am already trying to catch up with my work.. I am working doubly hard.. but please just leave me alone and let me plan my stuff.. ur actions would only add on to my stress.. I knw it all adds up FOR MY OWN GOOD.. but I am pretty clear minded on my road ahead.. and I will do stuff to make sure it benefit me.. for a moment PLEASE SHUT UP.. how I wish I could shout that back directly in ur FACE.. but it will prove disrespect and I shant do that..P.S it was not my mum but she still commented a little.. and for that I am still abit pissed with her.. but now she agreed to let me have my own space which I hope she keeps to it.. and great I lost 10 bucks to her in the world cup.. in total my mum earnd already abt 60 bucks.. 50 frm dad 10 frm me..actually it all adds up to fengshui.. I place my 10 bucks on my pi xiu some chinese animal which claims to be sooper lucky and i bought it frm shanghai 2 years back.. then I cannot find smthg to hold my mum 10 bucks.. so I just took the small thing that seah yi ern bought for me frm shanghai too to hold it.. I bet germany she bet italy.. and guess what germany lost.. 2 items from shanghai.. one is supposed to be a lucky.. one is just a small figuring and all became reversed.. and I lost.. haha.. so fengshui do not work.. DO NOT BELIEVE IT.. and today PE was cancelled cos it became 12 noon.. oh like I will not die of dehydration if I run.. haha.. andthat sooper AP cher came in.. cannot stand him.. heard chai cannot come cos he went sailing and was poked by a swordfish in his butt or leg..imagine a fish wiggling from some part of ur body... wouldn't it be a hilarious sight.. and F.Y.I.. I do not support cristiano ronaldo now.. go FRANCE.. I guess U r the next team that I am left to support.. go KICK portugal butt and let them join the ranks of Mr chai.. haha.. =p Tuesday, July 04, 2006 @ 8:27 AM
I hate sec 4 life..I already packed with tutorials and tuition.. argh..and so far I quarrel with my mother for like twice within this two weeks.. aloha.. first time.. was last monday..I use the COM.. she screamed at me the whole night and practically ignore me for the next 3 days.. nvm.. then yesterday.. I went to the library to study with teh sai chin.. and then went to parkway to shop for my bottle and slippers.. I needed it really badly.. sooper badly.. my slippers po tiao.. my bottle melted.. and without them is like K.N.S.. it is not as if I went and shop for stuff that I dun need the whole day.. it was only from 5 to 6.30.. and from 3.30 to 5 I was doing maths at parkway library.. and b4 I even got a chance to explain to her that I need it badly. comes all the scolding..I did mention to her b4 abt all these stuff that I need and she was suppose to bring me out to buy them.. but she was always busy and I cannot afford to wait for her.. cos I did plan my time such as that I want to study more now.. so buying it now since it is youth day was it a BIG MISTAKE.. I dun wanna waste anymore time..and there you go again screaming and shouting at me to STUDY.. cos of O levels.. say I should not go out since it is a holiday.. hello monday my p skool friends call me go out with them I rejected.. my soka friends call me go exthibition I rejected.. all I ever want is to shop for my slippers and bottle..for one and a half hours and there u are screaming at me saying I nvr do my work.. just because my COM was on while doing my work.. I was listening to a song which I dun hv.. and I even appear offline at MSN.. just as to concetrate missy.... so here goes my second quarrel with her.. and it always occurs on monday.. WHATEVER.. this is so frigging shit.. and in the end I can only get a bottle.. as I do not have enuf money to spend for the rest of the week... what hurts me the most is that the trust is not there.. just because my L1R5 is like 29 so what.. this is not the actual thing..I hv my prelims and the real thing.. so yeah forget it.. if such things still continue.. I seriously duno what it up ahead.. it just felt so lonely.... anyway today take the career thing for SEL.. and my matching turn out to be a jewellery designer.. how nice.. =x |