profile This is my blog, my memories and my laughter!! I am Minxue and I am just pretty much me! I am a Hospitality and Tourism Student, a Soka Gakkai member, a daughter and certainly a friend. I wish to travel around the world someday! Most importantly,enjoy what is there to enjoy and suffer what is there to suffer. Live each day to the fullest. This is my entity of life! This is what I strive to achieve =D rantings archives November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 affiliates adelina aloysius amy angela lim angela woo benji brenda cheryl clara clinton crystal denise hisham huimin jason jerry jesselyn jialin jiayi jiayu jieying jocelyn kaixian karen kimberly lynette madeline olivia puen ruhui samantha sheila shirui suzanne tessa TPSD weirong xingyi xinzi yeesin zakiah zijing
credits skin by: Jane |
Tuesday, October 24, 2006 @ 12:06 AM
I am kinda bored today..tuition tuition tuition... kinda sianed.. 1 more month.. and it will be no more secondary school life.. anyway just decide to do this quiz I taken somewhere.. forget liao.. .. then it is back to studying again.. Instructions: 1. Put your music player on shuffle 2. Press forward for each question 3. Use the song title as the answer for each question even if it didn't make any sense, NO CHEATING! 4. Tag 6 people to do this =) Here it goes!! 1. How are you feeling today? Wei Wu Du Zun - Jolin Tsai Lols.. does it mean that I feel like dancing for the whole of today 2. Will you get far in life?- Tong Hua – Guang Liang- fairy tale lol.. CRAP. 3. How do your friends see you? 22 by Tao Zhe I am 22.. whee.. can watch R21 movies.. lol- 4. Will you get married?- An Lian Wo – Chen Yi -_-''' 5. What's your best friend's theme song? yi yan wan nian – S.H.E I hv no idea totally 6. What's the story of your life? I think we are alone now – Click 5 does it means that I am lonely.. HAHAHA 7. What was high school (secondary school) like? Lets Get the Party Started- Black Eye Peas woo.. party.. a bit true haha.. everyday joking and laming with friends 8. How can you get ahead in life? Yi Lu Xiang Bei – Jay Chou- Bei is South Rite so = I must head south.. lol 9. What is the best thing about your friends?- Hua tian chuo- Wang Lee Hom they look like flowers.. HAHAHAHA 10. What's in store this weekend?- For You I will – teddy geiger. TEDDY BEARS.. haha 11. What song describes you? san nian er ban – Jay Chou I looked like a class???? CRAP - 12. To describe your grandparents? Dance with my father- Luther Van Dross They like to dance with my father.. haha 13. What song will they play at your funeral? Wo zhi xiang yao- 7 Flowers erm when I die.. I am already dead.. why do I still need anything.. lols 14. How does the world see me?- Mi Hun Ji- 183 club I like to entice people.. HEY YA 15. Will you have a happy life?- Hollaback girl- Gwen Stefanie ??????? 16. What do your friends really think of you? Time Machine- Click 5 woo.. they think that I can teleport.. haha 17. Do people secretly lust after you?- Qing Tian - Jay chou woo.. ppl lust after me during a sunny day.. haha 18. How can I make myself happy?- shake – ying yang twins COME ON.. start SHAKING.. shake it mama shake it 19. What should you do with your life? You give me Wings- Hady Mirza- I must go attach wings now to fly.. haha 20. Will you ever have children? Yi Qian Nian Yi Hou- JJ Lin Jun Jie - COOL.. I will have a child in 3006..hahahaha =p I cant think of anybody.. to do this.. since everybody is busy preparing Os.. ok I must be back to my revision now.. 16 Nov.. I will blog here my big announcement of 2006.. Friday, October 20, 2006 @ 5:23 AM
Today graduation day.. I m now an Anglican alumni... lols.. and most prob one of my last post till after O levels.. well quite farni today.. 4A totally entertain everybody initially with their veggies and duh the sexy bikini yu lian.. telling her to lose weight.. lols.. the whole hall was laughing their heads off... and of course when time to go up on stage it was just so weird.. like first time in my whole entire life I go up and collect prize like that.. well mrs chew was very nice the past 2 yrs.. always taking of us.. lols.. so many memories this 4 yrs.. from 1E to 2E to 3D to 4D.. then guides too.... so going to miss everybody.. " okay stop being EMO" it was like sec 1 and 2.. everyday after school go play basketball.. lols.. and always come back late and stuff.. it was like playing playing.. met a bunch of great friends.. always laming about and stuff!!!! miss those races to the canteen me jason and tessa always does during recess and always just buying a toast then rushing back to class to either play with each other or do work.. those flying wallets.. incident where they threw an eraser into my mouth.. washing my beckham keychain.. clinton laming beside me.. jiayu goping my stationary and water in front of me .change of the numerous maths teachers.. sports enrichment.. I wore the bowling shoes out..zimu hse BBQ.. where zimu tricked the security guard.. so that the whole class jumped into the pool..miss sia spasticness... steven wong ALL RIGHT.. jiak hoe with pulled up pants..MARY CHAN.. 50 cent fines.. and her super disgusting rotted pics.. that CAT that came in during eng common test and freaked QQ out.. and my best actress award for LIT... just for acting a mad woman,,with a pony tail on top of my head.. promoting macdonald class tee shirts...gosh so much memories for the first 2 yrs.. then sec 3 and 4.. first 3 days.. where I shuffled between 2 the whole class.. just dun listen to choo hua hua lesson.. numerous change of chemistry teachers.. stupid laser incident where mr choo accuse us of stealing and stuff.. and there after change of maths teacher..bonding camp.. where all the class girls screamed at the beach and kristin went AWHOOOOO -_-'''..... and her neighing near the horse ranch.. making hui ying laughed all the way from the horse ranch to palawan beach.. which is about a 10 to 15 min walk..a pink class tee.. plain..totally.. wilson and edmund caning class incident.. chalet.. how they freeze the watermelon and just eat it.. steamboat of magee mee.. and all the girls squeezing in front of the TV watching Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa.. all the funny b day presents..for the class like toys.... ting2 elaine cheryl suz yu bing brenda QQ.. helping.. laming.. .. cracking jokes beside me.... the halloween picture and merry christmas picture that yu bing and cheryl drawn.. how our class is always so dirty and no one cares.. and miss cheong everytime come in and tell us there is this and there lying about.. how we broke the lights in the air con hall after health check and the boys went totally crazy.. grbbing whatever they can find in the hall and cleaning up the mess without letting ah heng know.. class noticeboards.. the picture taking at the graffiti wall..nice memories too.. guides.. rmb so clearly during my first day.. I keep telling myself to get into any patrol except flowerpecker.. as I found the name of it funny.. and how I so badly dun want wen lin to be in the same patrol as me as she was crying like siao.. during the first day.. but duh everything that I do not wish came true.. lols... cest la vie campfire.. we move the benches like siao.. and it rained in the end.. but it was still fun in the indoor stadium.. evonne maam.. wrong command.. sooper farni.. hantataki hanta..lols..orienteering.. me and cindy.. totally was like should be this way should be that way..and of course this yr when we went back to supervise.. if fell into that mud hole with evelyn.. for going down that sooper idiot slope... how last time gg activites.. was eat lunch then come back again for more I officially really know the sqaurelash when i was only in sec 2... campfires.. we totally go crazy man.. xinzi got into the same patrol as me.. and i was like -_-'''... NDP contingent.. sooper seh feeling.. outdoor cooking.. our chicken was quite chao da.. I rmb.. and I burned my skirt.. lols.. and how we kinda always loses to ixora whenever we play captain ball.. cos ixora have frigging tall people.. back then.... patrol outings.. slacking in grotto.. and for a period of time the grotto was so messy until we cannot even see the floor.. CNY dance.. that fisherman pants.. camp christine.. all the ma lu incidents.. serving refreshment.. always eating the leftovers.. and of course many many more... it is 4 years.. DUH..!!!!.. well so going to miss everybody,, I guess.. it is hard to hv such memories again bah.. no longer in a class..!!.. lols.. ok then photos for today grad day.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I am taller than mr yeow.. waves ![]() If anyone can recognise this.. I just make a major discovery of zhen zi in our school.. GHOSTS.. ![]() the 2 who poked me thru out today.. ![]() me and wennie.. patrol mates for 4 years ![]() the 2 guides in pokey toots.. that always get laughed at.. ![]() buddies.. ![]() ![]() more guideration=) of course there are loads more... oh well.. memories will be the ones that keep me going bah.. 16 NOV... it is coming!! hahahahahaha Saturday, October 07, 2006 @ 6:59 AM
WHY IS THERE HAZE??.. reason: indonesia and their stupid forest fire cause by stupiak farmers farming hu wants to use of charred burn ground for growing of nice PADI.( adapted from human geog txtbk). .. plus monsoon winds.. which is mainly known as the north east monsoon for this period of time and they blow out from the high pressue Central Asia towards the low pressue area over the adjacent seas. ( adapted from marianne cheong physical geog txtbk) SO WHY DOES THE HAZE LOOK SO FOGGY?? reason: the smoke particles are larger than the air particles and hence the smoke particles are constantly hit by the air particles which is much smaller causing them to be moving haphazardly and continuously.. and this motion is known as the Brownian motion ( adapted from the physics txtbk).. looks like blogging do help ya revise for O LEVELS.. myL1R5 is now moderated down by one pt.. it helps alot.. though I can get into a JC now.. but not really interested.. maybe first 3 months..shall consider going into a lan JC play or smthg.. haha... either case.. HAZE spoiled MOONCAKE FESTIVAL.. the moon looks reddish yellow.. FREAKY!! and it is causing irritation to my eyes and throat now.. I just read news.. ACS.. 3rd school.. students and teachers hv food posioning.. must be the HAZE.. sigh!!.. exams are around the corner.. if we get sick now.. I think it is the most suay thing that can ever happen.. it just affect everything.. so here is a nice reminder to everybody DRINK MORE WATER EAT MORE VEG!! GET ENOUGH SLEEP.. 1 month plus left |