profile This is my blog, my memories and my laughter!! I am Minxue and I am just pretty much me! I am a Hospitality and Tourism Student, a Soka Gakkai member, a daughter and certainly a friend. I wish to travel around the world someday! Most importantly,enjoy what is there to enjoy and suffer what is there to suffer. Live each day to the fullest. This is my entity of life! This is what I strive to achieve =D rantings archives November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 affiliates adelina aloysius amy angela lim angela woo benji brenda cheryl clara clinton crystal denise hisham huimin jason jerry jesselyn jialin jiayi jiayu jieying jocelyn kaixian karen kimberly lynette madeline olivia puen ruhui samantha sheila shirui suzanne tessa TPSD weirong xingyi xinzi yeesin zakiah zijing
credits skin by: Jane |
Friday, March 28, 2008 @ 10:16 AM
happy birthday ongton HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY ONG CLINTON!!! having a sore throat totally sucks LOL!!! AND SHIT SL CAMP IS ON MONDAY!! Plus plus if calculations is not wrong haha tessa should be boarding the plane tmr 29th march to take her 30 hours flight trip back to sunny singapore from the cold canada. That means pokey reunion soon, starbucks hangout session, DRUMMING at 01-07 and retail therapy!! =DI miss the old buddy of mine seriously Another blockbuster event.TPSD orientation and graduation is coming 19th april, 2 days before sch starts and dear old tessa birthday! 1904 is also my block number and level number. coicidence?? truckloads of things to be done for O&G but duh it is gonna rock cause I am doing the planning for games with my fellow other comm members.. hehehehe!! LASTLY thank you zat for sending me a truckload of angmoh songs.!! she is my live radio hahahaha!! P.S ( I realise girls nowadays we dun use the word shopping anymore. We phrase it in a more profound manner RETAIL THERAPY) Quote of the day: Retail therapy equals every girls nature Thursday, March 27, 2008 @ 12:03 PM
PSP!! Been running errands around for mom for people for the past 2 days. Played basketball with the usual gang today yk weikang benji just that I went all the woodlands number 1 and the other is I am the only gal there. But still it was fun though I did not play much. Ended up at the fitness area there talking to yk who wasn't really in the mood to play as well. Oh well to summarise the main point of this post, I nearly won a PSP today!! grrrr!! Had dinner with the boys and we went to the arcade. I decide to try my luck at one of their cheapo machines and oh well suprisingly I missed a BOX a pathetic BOX to get the PSP!! grrr sad life.. but there is still online mahjong and viwawa to keep me entertain for now. Tmr off to recee at pasir ris park for O&G b4 making a trip to hospital to see grandpa. Hospitals.. argh I dun like them!!! Tuesday, March 25, 2008 @ 9:11 PM
chalet!!! Played POOL and fooseball in the night jojo looking retarded Plus going to the playground and relieve our childhood memories. ICE AND WATER how sweet is that!! I am proud to say that me and best friend manage to freeze everybody into ICE wahahahhaha!! jo and roo failed to do so however. We also got ourselves all dizzy by spinning ourselves. TRUST ME THAT FEELIGN SUCKS cause it feels like u are flying out of control! WE played games like polar bear as well. Highly intellectual game and highly interesting as well. It involves talking!! At night, card games like snorter and the exchanging 5,4,3,2,1 cards. All originated from settlers and minds cafe. The snorter game is the one I played that time with yumin taitai and shirui which I clearly remembered, all the stupid animal noises. The exchanging card games is the one played with the pokes like u keep exchanign cards 5 cards 4 cards and the stupid bone. Last one that never take the bone is the loser. Highly interesting game. Slept at 5 plus, 5 people squeeze into one bed. Me papaya jo roo and pangseke. I nearly suffocate and it did not help that 16 degrees aircon was blowing straight into our face. GOOD MORNING BALTIMORE did not work this time however. Daylight and yea the mahjong craze. WE gambled and oh well I earned 1 buck after like 3 4 hours of playing!! ![]() ![]() Of course venturing out of the chalet to see the beautiful scenery ![]() Sunday, March 23, 2008 @ 10:01 AM
manchester united ![]() MAN U IS GONNA BE THE CHAMPS!! I know this statement is so gonna get boos from the anti man u pro arsenal chelsea and liverpool fans but still in my opinion, muahahaha they are CHAMPIONS!! Liverpool was thrashed, 3-0 thanks to a big mouth hence big mouth=big lost!! glory to man u wheeeeeee!! tmr is 06 chalet cant wait for it!! ![]() Saturday, March 22, 2008 @ 12:29 AM
2 days out with old friends It was a simply day outing with the pokey gals yesterday at ECP. GOOD FRIDAY and yeah it was a really good friday. The sun was shining like crazy and oh well I got chao da.( It sorta faded away now )Me suz and jiayu cycled while clara and adel decide to blade. I seriously had fun and it was good exercise for my leg and butt thought my butt felt really nua after 2 hours of cycling! The subway club for lunch was really YUM YUM as well though the staff was weird. He gave me 10 ten cent coins for a one dollar change and 14 en cent coins to adel and suz for a $1.40 change! weird =s that is adel on blades and bike!! cool shiat!! Today had the HR study in the morning. It was at my house so yeap no excuses for oversleeping. In the end it was yet another small session. Lets hope the numbers will increase the next round. Zoom off to yk house later on to visit his girlfriends. He is some casanova, 3 girlfriends and they range from big to medium to small in size. Meet lady baby and brownie, yk 3 dogs. Me and xingyi decide to go to his house to pay his girlfriends a visit instead of him wahhahaha.. hysen and benji was there as well and oh well yk girlfriends are simply cute!! After that, the 5 of us met sam taitai and huimin and zoom next destination pizza hut. Laugh like shit and at the end of the day, 2 drumlets, a cup of pepsi, 1 garlic bread, 3 slices of pizza, one cream of chicken soup went into mx fat calorie bar aka my stomach filled with FATS!! I swore I was bloated and when I left pizza hut, I earn the title of being called ![]() I guess it is pretty obvious that somethign did happen in pizza hut. As quoted from taitai which I found super interesting I study HTM cause I wish to represent singapore to compete in the international landmark competition hahahaha!! the gals Besides that, learn more logic games like around the world in 80 days and fuzzy wazzy!! In conclusion, I am just uber glad that for the past few days, I am able to catch up with some of my old friends! Certainly miss the times we spend together, and they were certainly not enough =) P.S ( dogs are camera shy, I realise it today & TPSD BLOG IS LAUNCH whee) Thursday, March 20, 2008 @ 1:21 AM
yet another fun day Yet another typical afternoon at home. I haven pack my room, or to be exact I lost the motivation to do so! I want to find a job but seriously I cant really find any suitable one. Excuses? Yeah I think so too! So mx is here sitting down gaining fats and be a total slack couch potato. I think I shall go downstairs and run later =)Yesterday was fun. I was a blink blink and went to catch step up 2 with the lovebirds pangseke and roo.. oh well STEP UP 2 was DOPE ( dance language if I am not wrong, karen explain to me b4 haha) I love to see people dancing wahahaha and gosh I think the movie really rocks.It is absolutely gorgeous The dance was dope, the crew was dope, the effects were dope and maseke that is way too much dope in this post. Dancing under the rain can be so much fun especially if ya legs can just act like a fan and swipe water around wahahahahaha!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() After blinking and watching finish the super nice step up, I finally had another company to blink with me.. papaya liu..She join us and the 4 of us went to teo heng and sang like crazy! english chinese hokkien rap soul sad emo crazy songs, it was totally within that room! 4 hours for 7 bucks is way cheap wahahhaaha!! papaya can never stop farting, I so gonna miss it Oh yeah speaking of my 3rd round date, me and dear cheryl and suz went to eat chicken rice in the end b4 buying my second cup of bubble tea for the day and ended up hanging around the odeon, outside cornerstone church! We were exchanging handphon themes. Simply love my dear lovelies wahahaha Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 9:47 AM
War of in laws I AM SUPER HOOKED TO WAR OF IN LAWS now!! so much so I think I am staring too much at the com.. mom and dad are kinda pissed. I needa exercise cut some fats off. every monday basketball session aint gonna help much but yeah will try to cut off as much. All right I am here to blog for the sake of just blogging haha.. I am still hooked to my show.. wheeeee 18 march happy birthday peijun and yk u owe me one for submitting ya blogskin wahahaha... karaoke, dinner with my lovelies and watching step up 2 tmr.. It will be a fun day =) Sunday, March 16, 2008 @ 9:07 AM
march 16, 3.16 March 16, 3.16 worldwide KOUFU 口福 day aka kosen-rufu day, a significant day in the history of soka gakkai and my dear old good friend cheryl birthday as well! This year is really significant as it marks the 50 th anniversary of kosen-rufu day! As quoted from the SGI website Kosen-rufu means the ceaseless effort to enhance the value of human dignity, to awaken all people to a sense of their limitless worth and potential. It is for this reason that efforts in the fields of peace, humanitarian aid, educational and cultural exchange are all seen as vital aspects of the movement for kosen-rufu. For these promote the values that are integral to human happiness. Thus, for the members of the SGI, kosen-rufu means the ceaseless effort to enhance the value of human dignity, to awaken all people to a sense of their limitless worth and potential. It is for this reason that efforts in the fields of peace, humanitarian aid, educational and cultural exchange are all seen as vital aspects of the movement for kosen-rufu.( aka all the chingay and NDP that I have participated) For these promote the values that are integral to human happiness. Hence the result of kosen-rufu is building a world in which there is a deeply and widely held respect for human life which would serve as the basis on which these can be worked out in a peaceful, creative manner. Of course, the foundation of kosen-rufu is the mystic law or the lotus sutra in which we are chanting to as it gives us the high life force and ability to transform our karma and work for the betterment of society.I truly believe in that A little recap on history 50 years ago 50 years ago, the ailing 2nd president of Soka gakkai, Josei toda gathered 6000 youths on march 16. He knew that he did not have much time left and indeed he pass away 2 weeks later on april the 2nd. This gathering was Toda Sensei last meeting with the youths and it was a ceremony at the head temple where he pass the baton of kosen-rufu to his trusted disciples, particularly his direct disciple Ikeda Sensei whom is the current president of soka gakkai international. The gathering was a last minute notice yet the youth responded vigourously. Back then it was still winter in Japan and Toda Sensei out of love for his disciples call all of them to bring a bowl and chopsticks, serving them hot pork soup that will warm their bodies. 3 pigs were butchured, 500 pounds of potatos, 125 pounds of burdock root, 80 pounds of carrots, 125 pounds of green onions, 830 pounds of vegetables and a 20 galleon drum of miso paste were used to make the soup! The meeting, was suppose to be graze by the prime minister of Japan yet due to unforseen circumstances/excuses, the prime minister did not make it, sending only his family in replacement. The youth were shattered as they were all looking forward to see the minister grazing the event. Toda Sensei nevertheless summon all his energy and address his disciples with his heart. He rode in the sedan his beloved disciples built for him as he was too weak to walk and throughout the session, he declared his victory of kosen-rufu throughout his lifetime, at the same time giving a final roar to his young successors, to be like valiant young warriors, advancing bravely to spread the law and do kosen-rufu. The baton of kosen-rufu was passed and indeed Ikeda Sensei fufilled his mentor wishes and spread this law to more than 190 countries in this world, taking up presidency as the 3rd Soka Gakkai President as well. Concurrently throughout this 50 years, he fostered new disciples and it is now time for us to renew our pledge and fufill our mentor Ikeda Sensei wish of kosen rufu. 50 years ago the mentor gave a cry to his disciples. 50 years later, it is the disciples crying out to fufill the wish for our mentor. I will mark this date 3.16 deep down in my heart. Just like the commemorative meeting, 3.15 I attended last night where we made a vow and hear the various encouragement by the other SGI youths from overseas. I really hope to achieve kosen-rufu and fully grasp the spirit of mentor and disciple. That is why i find Soka Gakkai so significant to me, the mentor and disciple spirit, the comradeship within friends. It is simply wonderful as we all brave rain and shine together as one.Btw, our mentor in japan gave us all a folder each to celebrate 3.16. Though it is a small gift, I can feel his sincerity and will indeed rise to protect him should he face with any persecution just like how he always rise to protect us. Ikeda sensei rocks man Hence today,50 years later, SSA held an inter-faith youth symposium at expo hall 4. I was in charged of doing welcoming and oh well sad to say my group wasn't so HIGH but still it was really fun and the crowd was woah 4000, hitting beyong the target of 3000. There was no pork soup or no prime minister but there was water chestnut drinks for us to cleanse our throat to welcome our guests in high spirits and minister of foreign affairs george yeo as our GOH! We kept and clapping and though I did not get a chance to hear the detail of the exposium, but from what i heard from the chiefs, it was a victory thumbs up. 3 cheers to SSA!! I cant wait to get the SD photo we took together and the book that was launched, on various quotes from various religions inclduing the quran bible sutras that is related to peace. This was my first time attending sucha symposium preperation and it was really woah. Somehow, it adds a certain meanign to life. VERY SIGNIFICANT All righto, I indeed blog alot tonight but that was my thoughts about 3.16. It is not march 16 everyday but the spirit of march 16 lies in us everyday! Off to bed as I have a basketball date with my usual gang tmr. Honestly, the gang is increasing in numbers haha!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEANWHILE TO CHERYLz my charcoal good friend. We are marching forward to victory in the 21st century We are marching forward to change history in the 21st century Towards march 16 2058, the 100th anniversary of kosen rufu day P.S ( I think my dad got piss, hope he will let me camp over at chalet) Friday, March 14, 2008 @ 10:40 AM
GRAZIE TPDE FATS level up! 4 AR-BALLING dumplings just went into the blubber tummy of mine! ( How I wish my sushido level would rise as well =D ) Yet another day out. I got my hair cut though and somehow the end result felt like papaya's hair haha!! natural curl, my hair is bounced up lol!! kudos to samantha's mom. She is indeed experienced haha and gave loads of advice about my hair. At least one thing for sure, it feels lighter. SHUANG is the feeling! kudos to taitai angela for bringing me there. I haven met her for ages and it was really nice to catch up and chat with her. She is still as funny as ever.By the way, we walked 2 bus stops to repair that cello bow of hers which was repaired free =)haha!! HO yeah and next on the list was TPDE concert! I felt it lack a little bit of something but overall it was really really good, a great show. One thing for sure, I cant dance like them lol! But somehow the modern dance really impressed me in a way. The part about the emo kid in a corner and yeah the music the dance, it was really expressive and really touching! I felt alot for it somehow! Kudos to deniscia for your hard work in modern dance. Speaking of which, I must say of an interesting episode. Elvin came down to watch and support deniscia and he actually carried potato chips into the audi -_-! ( like watching movie ) haha!! During one part of the dance, deniscia had to hug a guy and haha I was laughing cause elvin suddenly grabbed his half open potato chips and the expression on his face was highly hilarious haha!!Of course, I was laughing super loudly as well when pangseke face appeared in the video!! IIIIIIII hahaha!! kudos to them and yeah junwei for being placed inside the dustbin and wheel around!! that was really really funny as well!! Plus pangseke break dance. woah all the stands flips! so yeah kudos to all these amazing dancers for putting up a great show for me to enjoy! shirui and me =) the rooster and me dustbin junwei! he can replace xingyi cause she is dustbin yi haha
3 cheers for TPDE Tmr 3.15 commemorative meeting. I am so glad that I found soemhting to wear. Off to bed and P.S ( bambino is a really nice show if you love to eat or see cooking shows.. bueno appeito!! GRAZIE!! |