profile This is my blog, my memories and my laughter!! I am Minxue and I am just pretty much me! I am a Hospitality and Tourism Student, a Soka Gakkai member, a daughter and certainly a friend. I wish to travel around the world someday! Most importantly,enjoy what is there to enjoy and suffer what is there to suffer. Live each day to the fullest. This is my entity of life! This is what I strive to achieve =D rantings archives November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 affiliates adelina aloysius amy angela lim angela woo benji brenda cheryl clara clinton crystal denise hisham huimin jason jerry jesselyn jialin jiayi jiayu jieying jocelyn kaixian karen kimberly lynette madeline olivia puen ruhui samantha sheila shirui suzanne tessa TPSD weirong xingyi xinzi yeesin zakiah zijing
credits skin by: Jane |
Saturday, August 30, 2008 @ 3:21 AM
My affinity with iphone ![]() It started out that one day or to be exact wednesday!! Yinzhou and paps went to study together like somewhere near parkway!! parkway has an apple shop!! Apple sell iphones! And the best part was they couldsend out real sms and call to a real number!! Guess what!! it was my number!! ![]() Subsequently, yinzhou even called and say!! hey minxue this is my new number so I really went to save it!! GUESS WHAT!! After that I kept receiving weird calls and msgs from "yinzhou"!! I tot it was being typical yinzhou, mr joker, I just heck care and did not reply but then there were simply too many messages!! Let me list them out!! 1st message:norsila 2nd message:kjhhggiy ( some jap word cause is in jap character) hell0 3rd message:Gjkutcbhkcdtmpp 4th message:Zxyxilin 5th message:hello biatch U suck ( the most offending message out of all) 6th message:Jhellp P 7th message:The uihgggghh 8th messageThis is a test message to see how fast I can type the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog woohooohoohlala ( longest and lamest message amongst all) 9th message:Nmp 10th message: Hello Hi K Dghjjk 11th message: Hbzfgh Oh well it turns out that that was not yinzhou but people who was testing the iphone at parkway!! They would gladly send out weird messages to me or call me!! IIn another words, my hp number was available for ppl to prank and call haha!!t was so irritating pls to keep having your phone to ring!! Luckily I have my free incoming call!! And there were like around 20 calls from that store!!! BAH!! I was glad paps removed my number and yes pity the poor victime behind me!! I will make a mental note to myself that next time when I go parkway!! I will send a msg to the new victim and say haha you are now a tester of the iphone!! people will send u weird stuff and if u tink it is irritating pls make your way down to parkway and delete your number from the phone!! Clara maybe you should give me private number then I would key inside and let ppl irritate that fella!! Till then, it is CFG tmr!! BAH BAH BAH!! And bon voyage benji!! Thursday, August 28, 2008 @ 9:18 AM
end of exams NO MORE EXAMS!! NO MORE MUGGING AND BLAH but still there is the friendship meeting to emcee for!! I guess I am pretty excited for it somehow especially the fashion show at the end!! So yup tessa went back to maple country today!! I was feeling pretty sad that I did not manage to send her off even though I promised her I will!! blame it on the parents I guess!! They broke my promise and said weird comments like u always put ur friends ahead then your family!! Totally hate it when they say that so hw in the world of pong can I go to airport!!It is like justifying her comment!! Pretty rubbish I would say!! Either case tessa, pls do take care of yourself in the maple country and I guess all of us would be counting down to the next time you touch down in Singapore again!!! Tes dropped by on tuesday night to like say farewell to my mom!! I guess the youcam function in my laptop is pretty functionable and fun as well ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() On the previous friday!! pokes had a mini celebration for the late babies combined plus tes farewell in the way.. marcus came too WAHAHAHA!! We ended up watching like olympics and laughing all the way!! Hilarious cause this has been the most dramatic olympics ever!! The cameramen always film at the wrong stuff HAHA The previous sunday!! Had CFG rehearsal!! Totally went crazy!! I am kinda freaked out by the final countdown song cause it is so final countdown and having to need to walk down the stretch of ICA!! AHHHHHH!! After that, me,pikachu, shirui siyi and brainer went to study together at KFC following on ICA!! GUESS WHAT!! Sunday turn out to be pretty nourishing for my eyes cause it was like a day of eye candies haha ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I guess studying session was indeed more fun after meeting those kids!! So yeap the hols are finally here!! I guess it is time to refocus my attention back to my dramas and YEAH I GOT MY FREE SENTOSA PASS WHAHAHAHAA!! Next sem will be pretty rubbish though!! Club resort spa!! I heard it killss BLAH!!! Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 11:19 AM
BALANCE BABY The thought of not balancing another balance sheet pleases ME!! Amongst all the accounting papers, this is the first time I manage to balance it and ho yeah I am thankful that the paper happen to be the exam paper!!! Amounts may differ but who cares, it is still balanced HAHA!! Quoted from jiayi!! Accounting is gross like gross PROFIT!! I hope I will never ever have to see leong siew tai again!! Till then TTOP and so many other stuff!! concert rehearsals and memorising my script!! The vibes of 31 august emcee-ing plus my exams spells value creation WAHAHAHAHA!! Thursday, August 21, 2008 @ 10:06 AM
16th april Today was pretty unproductive in some way!! BLARH!! Tmr must choing more!! At least youthful outlook mission for CFG on 31 aug was accmomplished today!!! Thanks pikachu and lionel!!I guess it must be like damm weird to go shopping whereby I am suppose to mug my head off!! I cfm going to mug my head off tmr and hoepfully I can start on TTOP tmr or sat!! For now accounts is priority!! determined to prove leong st wrong that I can do accounts HAHA!! Anyway was reading wr blog and I just decide to blog alittle bit on my birthday haha!! Pretty cool cause I actually share birthdays with charlie chaplin and whoever the hell is jack nicholson daughter ( cause she was born in 1990 as well) even the pope haha Plus shu qi, moses chan ( he star in heart of greed if I am not wrong) rafael beneteiz ( wow liverpool manager too bad I not liverpool fan) freddie ljungberg and aaron lennon!!( I really love the way he dribbles the ball)!! I seriously do have an affinity in terms of birth dates with the soccer stars haha Sadly, 16th april in events wise is like so depressing!! Virginia Tech massacere, the killings by that stupid korean fella, Texas City Disaster, some ship sinked, some fella got exiled!! In vietnam war, the americans chose to restart their bombing on 16th april plus in that year that I was born, 1990 The doctor of death Jack Kurkvian went with his first assisted suicide meaning putting people to sleep WTP!! Closer to home I rmb suz telling me her grandma pass away on my birthday!! It is so amazing that on 16th april is like a day that people can laugh and cry at the same time!! I think in general dates are super amazing at least better than journal entries HAHA!! Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @ 10:04 AM
funny videos I swear I laugh in 5 seconds!! Smthg about the americans hilarious!! 2 of the funniest videos I saw today seriously!! @ 9:01 AM
what a day Tuesday mornings usually spells 5am for me!! I thought I would never have to wake up at this unearthly timing again after SSM!! This morning I woke up at 5am!!KNS!! I woke up because my room was freaking full of smoke!! KNS!! Why was there smoke?? SOME ASSHOLE BURN MY HOUSE VOID DECK!! I live at the bloody 4th floor pur lease!! can u imagine an open window with a closed door!! hw much stupid smoke was inside!!! I swear I was intoxicated and for a moment I thought my house caught fire!! and now my bed smells charcoal!! KNS!! Either case the room that caught fire is like usually the room where the bangla workers usually put their rubbish items inside!! FIRE HAZARD!! KNS!! Shouldn't they like dump it or smtg cause it disrupted my beauty sleep!! Now the 1st floor smells of carbon ARGH!! WHOEVER BURN MY VOID DECK SHOULD GO BANG WALL SERIOUSLY!! On a lighter note, It was picnic-ing and flying kites with kim zat mad and liming yesterday!! Our picnic was not really a picnic!! More of outdoor lunch!! And I must be like the luckiest soul on earth cause I drop my wallet in bus 31 and it was returned back to me thought I had to go all the way to toa payoh today just to retrieve it back!! Either case it rained halfway during our picnic and we ended up pretty much at MACs gossiping for an hour!!! HAHA!! Eventually we did FLY KITES!! Though it only remained in the air for a short while!! Suggestion: I think we should go changi fly kites next time, the wind is better!! Lastly, me and pikachu decide to aim for NTU after poly cause of their annual SUJ exchange haha!! What a motivation right!!I guess it was due to sat CIC trainign cause it was the SUJ exchange!! It is like my 2nd japanese exchange ever since GCC!! I think Jap guys are like pretty cute haha!! and I realise both me and TYS have really funny childhood!! Come to think of it, I use to create so much TROUBLE HAHA!! TILL THEM I M OFF TO DO SOME BALANCING FOR ACCOUNTS!! ANYBODY WANNA COME MY AUGUST 31 SOKA FRIENDSHIP CONCERT!! I WILL BE EMCEEING AND I SERIOUSLY NEED MORALE SUPPORT TO SUPPORT ME!! 12 to 2pm OPPOSITE TEMAESK POLY NEAR THE MACDONALDS!! PLS COME cause it will BE A FABULOUS CONCERT!! HOW I KNOW!! I EMCEE MAH OF COURSE I KNOW THE AGENDA HAHAHAHAHA!!! Saturday, August 16, 2008 @ 10:10 PM
H-H-HTM Till then, it is officially the last so call fri dinner!! Feeling Nostaglic! Xiao chun rawks too cause she gave me xitao lionel and yeesin kimber braino ( kinder bueno) and a picture of US =)!! Plus huimin and her encouragement card too WHEE!! I feel happy plus Sugarloaf jollywell smash TCA record!The range between each amount differs as the days goes by!! I laughed when I saw this on ole
Notice the font size increase!! I realise this whole week I spend like 28bucks in sugarloaf!! ULTRA BROKE!! Luckily my pocket money came in for next week =)!! It will be a long day tmr and I should write a profit and loss statement for all the rubbish things that I spend!! LOL!! Till then HTM rocks!! We smash TCA record!! Let see will our juniors surpass us or the LRM how they surpass us!! Getting interesting cause it is sucha competitive diploma !! our zao pai cheer H-H-HTM haha! =D P.S ( Pikachu has been like the best pokemon ever!! Her house located at the electricity town of vermillion city ( if memory serves me right ) in this case tampines has the BEST BED EVER!! She adopted me for like a few hours today and woohoo I slept for like an hour plus on HER BED!!! I feel like a PIG and there she was playing quizzes!! Pikachu no wonder people including me choose you HAHA) Thursday, August 14, 2008 @ 7:51 AM
end of 2.1!! 2.1 all tutorials officially came to an end!! One whole sem spend in a new class of 2H05!! It is like super fast cause the next moment it is gona be a new class at TAS again!! Honestly, I am like half looking forward to sentosa the other half dreading!! Lets hope I dun have any 8am lessons man! Meanwhile the entire class took photos today!! After all last time at T05!! Glad to really broaden my social circle and of course making new friends like my project mates liming mad and kim!! Till then study week is coming!! And we are flying kites on monday HAHA!! Anybody wanna watch dark knight or mummy!! I finally have a little bit of time!!=) Wednesday, August 13, 2008 @ 9:38 AM
journey of SSM SSM is like finally over!! WHEE never felt so happy before LOL!! The instant thought of not getting up at 5am every tuesday and trying my utmost best to bun hair and stand in court shoes for like 8 hours simple delights me!! I guess time passes by really fast. A moment ago it was like my birthday and I went all the way to eunos to get the uniform and the next instant the uniform is redundant, I finish the module!! Though it was tough, I swear I learnt alot of stuff regarding about F and B!! This whole operation frenzy makes you alway take note of service outside especially when you are dining!!! All the standard verbiage to serving of food to even the various kinds of food!! I will miss the operation but certainly not closing or miesn plus where there are never ending stuff to polish or clean!! Of course not forgetting the 2 times where I had to be headwaiter and an ass headwaiter too!! Memorable experience plus bartending of course!! Got the opportunity to be bartender at top table and sugarloaf!! It was fun and of course that idiot captain role where I kena complained like crazy!! Most of all, I think I will miss working together with the tuesday SSM people!! They are like seriously the best!!I will miss gossiping with raisin in the morning! It is like we are forever stuck together in register since primary school!! She is obviously always in front of me. She was a great captain too during last service!! Sound weird but I will miss showering in sports complex with zat liming and mad too!! Is like liming and zat are forever spouting nonsense to unleash their anger!! How could I forgot that day where they both scream into me and mad ears!! POOR US!! Of course the tutors as well some of them only HAHA!! SSM indeed was a tough journey but memorable one!! I cant wait to go back there to dine to see the junior next time round!! Maybe the LRM students hahahaha!! ![]() tuesday formal ![]() tuesday INFORMAL LOL!! Pictures from NDP'08!!! Merlion Park weird shot!! Either case me mad zat and liming had a cat rescue mission this afternoon after GEOG quiz!! This is like unavoidable since liming adores cat! So off to the vet tech students asking them for help in which they eventually DID!! So nice to have like a vet diploma in TP!! I guess I will hv to ask deniscia on hw is the kitty then!! Cheers!! Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 5:42 AM
beijing olympics swimming Olympics is like the latest interest of mine especially swimming!!! I think michael phelps is totally impressive!! speaking of which I manage to found a video!! LAUGH MY HEAD OFF!! He should compete with michael phelps pls!! It would be the best entertainment - highlights of the video!! - trunks vs high tech swimming suit!! - guess who won - this trial happened like 8 years ago LOL!! -michael phelps world record breaker within 24hours -his timing of 200m is equal to new gueina guy of 100m HAHA Saturday, August 09, 2008 @ 11:59 AM
happy birthdaysingapore HAPPY 43rdBIRTHDAY SINGAPORE A point form post to round up my day FIREWORKS WAS DA BOMB!! My legs feel a little weird after standing for so long I am like so proud of soka performance. GOOD JOB flaggers, GOOD JOB to all my friends inside =)!! The colour change was whoo!! Somehow I was glad there was a screen showcasing the parade at merlion park I am suddenly feeling nostaglic cause it reminds me of NDP'07 !My first NDP that I joined =) I heard the S-IN-G-A-P-ORE cheer and the song shine on singapore for like a gazillion times!! It was my first time at merlion PARK haha!! I got ultra pissed in the morning!! Got scolded for helping people!! WTF!! I think the world is really fucking unfair!! (*vulgarities indicate that I am really in the state of anger!!)Nevertheless towards the end, I became pretty much back to normal Me roo and papusamy have an ice and tea issue in MOS BURGER!! Papusamy forced me to take 7 and I reach home like almost 1am!! -_- I bought durians for my family at like 12 midnight ( crik crik) and to think they just scolded me in the morning!! How nice can I get HAHA!! I HAVEN STUDY GEOG!! SEI LO!! I am happy for best friend today!! Why am I waiter on tuesday!! ( actually I got freaked out because I saw the details of the menu) honestly, I wanted to do BAR actually!!But no worries, I will still give in my ultimate best for tuesday!! at least it is the viet fish soup and not italian fish!! I swear I will not confused it with osso busso aka veal!! ZAT no pressure!! chillax Tmr is like USA vs CHINA for basketball!! yaoming vs kobe bryant haha!!I suddenly thought of the custom made roller coaster for yaomingHAHA!! I will upload pictures soon=) Off to bed =) Friday, August 08, 2008 @ 9:57 AM
08/08/08 08/08/08 and in the lunar calendar is is also the eighth day!! Such a significant date seriously cause it only occurs once in every 10 thousand years!! Sadly,I was pretty awake throughout the whole of 8/8. I was choinging the dumb BESE and yes I barely slept. Mind is pretty much dead after typing more than 20 pages of BESE!! These 20 pages equates to around 8 blog posts. I still find it amazing that I hv the mood to blog. Of course this diary of manners cost me a bomb! Like almost 10 bucks and I still hv to support paps and the rest for their sugarloaf SSM!! I guess I will locked myself at home and eat magee mee!! There is still the entire continent of GEOG for me to study and menu too!! What a nice schedule!! Either case, I just lepaked with tessa at parkway for like 7 hours. Clara joined us for about 2 hours towards the end. In total, we drank 2 carrot juices that tasted like alcohol, drank coffees, ate fried rice and drank honey lemon, talk rubbish play arcade and listen to music. Tessa is leaving in 3 weeks and the suay thing is that the week happen to be in exam week!! Hopefully we would be able to meet up more often before she flys off to the maple country!! To add on, cheer up man tessa! I may not fully understand but it is unhealthy to think about it! Oh and not forgetting, HAPPY BEIJING OYLMPICS as well!! I think that guy that flew in the air to light up the main torch is really AWESOME!! It felt so realistic! Tmr is National day and yes Singapore 43rd Birthday! I guess I would not be able to catch the soka flaggers on TV cause I will be at merlion park watching fireworks. Hopefully there is a screen there for me to watch. Meanwhile soka flaggers JIAYOU LE!! Off to bed!! I am ultra tired!! Wednesday, August 06, 2008 @ 8:31 AM
I went to bistro today I am no traitor but I do have to admit that bistro walk food is not bad after all! jeremy wanted to go the extra mile for us and personally served me and pikachu in his chef suit. I find it pretty hilarious as I am always comparing with him about service. Its like SUGARLOAF/TOP TABLE VS BISTRO WALK Still the food was great. He gave us extra portion and I was bloated at the end. DA BOMB GOTTA BE THE BROWNIE. warm yet cold as there was ice cream on the top! If only there wasn't accounting, I would have slowly savoured my brownie. Till then, I flunk accounts and is really by a huge margin!! ARGH!! BROWNIE WITH ice CREAM |